Human Resources Management

Consultancy - Human Resources Management

Human Resources Management Consultancy

Skills International Management Services and Training is committed to providing top-tier services in human resources consulting. With a wealth of expertise and a client-centric approach, we specialize in assisting organizations in optimizing their HR functions to achieve strategic objectives, enhance employee performance, and foster organizational growth.

Our consultancy services encompass a wide range of HR areas, including but not limited to:

• HR Diagnostic Review
• Organization Analysis and Review
• Operating Models
• Manpower Planning
• Job description and Evaluation
• Human Resources Policies & Procedures
• Competency Models and Career Ladders
• Performance Management

HR Diagnostic Review

we offer comprehensive assessments and analyses of human resources functions within organizations. Our aim is to provide valuable insights and recommendations that enable businesses to optimize their HR practices, align them with strategic objectives, and enhance overall organizational effectiveness.

Here’s how our HR diagnostic review consultancy service works:

Initial Assessment: We begin by conducting a thorough assessment of the current state of HR functions within the organization. This involves reviewing policies, procedures, systems, and practices related to recruitment, performance management, training and development, compensation and benefits, employee relations, and compliance.

Data Collection and Analysis: We gather data through various methods, including surveys, interviews, focus groups, and document reviews. We analyze this data to identify strengths, weaknesses, opportunities, and threats (SWOT analysis) within the organization’s HR practices.

Benchmarking: We benchmark the organization’s HR practices against industry standards and best practices to identify areas where improvement is needed. This allows us to provide comparative insights and recommendations for enhancing HR effectiveness.

Gap Analysis: Based on the assessment findings and benchmarking results, we conduct a gap analysis to identify discrepancies between current HR practices and desired outcomes. This helps prioritize areas for improvement and focus resources on initiatives with the highest impact.

Recommendations and Action Planning: We develop tailored recommendations and action plans to address identified gaps and improve HR effectiveness. These recommendations may include process improvements, policy revisions, technology implementations, organizational restructuring, and talent development initiatives.

Implementation Support: We provide guidance and support to help organizations implement recommended changes and initiatives. This may involve providing training, facilitating workshops, coaching HR staff, and assisting with change management efforts to ensure successful implementation.

Monitoring and Evaluation: We assist organizations in monitoring the progress of HR initiatives and evaluating their impact on organizational performance. This involves establishing key performance indicators (KPIs), tracking metrics, and conducting periodic reviews to ensure continuous improvement.

By partnering with us for HR diagnostic review consultancy, organizations can gain valuable insights into their HR functions, identify opportunities for improvement, and implement targeted interventions to enhance HR effectiveness and contribute to overall organizational success. Our experienced consultants are committed to delivering actionable recommendations and measurable results that drive positive change and create value for the organization.


Organization Analysis and Review

We offer comprehensive assessments and analyses of organizational structures, processes, and systems. Our consultancy service is designed to help businesses gain valuable insights into their operations, identify areas for improvement, and develop strategic initiatives to enhance overall performance and efficiency.

Here’s how our organization analysis and review consultancy service works:

Initial Assessment: We begin by conducting a thorough assessment of the organization’s structure, culture, processes, and systems. This involves reviewing organizational charts, policies, procedures, workflows, communication channels, and performance metrics to gain a holistic understanding of how the organization operates.

Stakeholder Engagement: We engage with key stakeholders, including senior management, department heads, and frontline staff, to gather insights and perspectives on organizational strengths, weaknesses, opportunities, and threats. This ensures that our analysis is comprehensive and inclusive of diverse viewpoints.

Data Collection and Analysis: We gather quantitative and qualitative data through various methods, including surveys, interviews, focus groups, and document reviews. We analyze this data to identify trends, patterns, and areas of concern within the organization.

SWOT Analysis: Based on the assessment findings, we conduct a SWOT analysis to identify the organization’s strengths, weaknesses, opportunities, and threats. This helps prioritize areas for improvement and develop strategic initiatives to capitalize on strengths and mitigate weaknesses.

Gap Analysis: We conduct a gap analysis to identify discrepancies between current organizational performance and desired outcomes. This involves comparing actual performance metrics against benchmarks, industry standards, and best practices to identify areas where improvement is needed.

Recommendations and Action Planning: We develop tailored recommendations and action plans to address identified gaps and improve organizational performance. These recommendations may include organizational restructuring, process improvements, technology implementations, talent development initiatives, and change management strategies.

Implementation Support: We provide guidance and support to help organizations implement recommended changes and initiatives. This may involve providing training, facilitating workshops, coaching staff, and assisting with change management efforts to ensure successful implementation.

Monitoring and Evaluation: We assist organizations in monitoring the progress of strategic initiatives and evaluating their impact on organizational performance. This involves establishing key performance indicators (KPIs), tracking metrics, and conducting periodic reviews to ensure continuous improvement.

By partnering with us for organization analysis and review consultancy, organizations can gain valuable insights into their operations, identify opportunities for improvement, and implement targeted interventions to enhance performance and efficiency. Our experienced consultants are committed to delivering actionable recommendations and measurable results that drive positive change and create value for the organization.

Operating Models

We offer comprehensive support to organizations seeking to optimize their HR functions within their operating frameworks. We understand the critical role that HR plays in supporting business operations and achieving strategic objectives, and we are dedicated to helping organizations align their HR practices with their operating models for maximum efficiency and effectiveness.

Here’s how our HR consultancy service for operating models works:

Analysis of Operating Models: We begin by conducting a thorough analysis of the organization’s operating models, including its business processes, structures, systems, and strategies. This analysis helps us understand how the organization operates and how HR can best support its objectives.

HR Function Assessment: We assess the organization’s HR functions, policies, procedures, and practices to identify strengths, weaknesses, and areas for improvement. This assessment includes reviewing recruitment, onboarding, training and development, performance management, compensation and benefits, employee relations, and compliance processes.

Alignment with Operating Models: Based on the analysis of operating models and HR functions, we work with the organization to align HR practices with its operating models. This may involve redesigning HR processes, roles, and responsibilities to better support business operations and strategic goals.

Development of HR Strategies: We help organizations develop HR strategies that are aligned with their operating models and business objectives. This includes defining HR goals, priorities, and initiatives that support the organization’s overall strategy and contribute to its success.

Implementation Support: We provide guidance and support to help organizations implement HR strategies and initiatives effectively. This may involve developing implementation plans, providing training and development programs, and assisting with change management efforts to ensure successful adoption of new HR practices.

Monitoring and Evaluation: We assist organizations in monitoring the effectiveness of HR strategies and initiatives and evaluating their impact on business operations and performance. This involves establishing key performance indicators (KPIs), tracking metrics, and conducting periodic reviews to ensure continuous improvement.

By partnering with us for HR consultancy services for operating models, organizations can optimize their HR functions to better support business operations, enhance employee engagement and productivity, and achieve their strategic objectives. Our experienced consultants are committed to delivering tailored solutions that meet the unique needs of each organization and drive positive change and growth.


Manpower Planning

We understand the critical importance of aligning workforce requirements with business goals. Manpower planning is a strategic process that involves forecasting staffing needs, identifying talent gaps, and developing strategies to recruit, retain, and optimize the workforce.

Our HR consultancy service for manpower planning is designed to help organizations effectively manage their human capital to support long-term success. Here’s how we can assist your organization:

Workforce Analysis: We begin by conducting a comprehensive analysis of your organization’s current workforce, including skills, capabilities, and demographics. This analysis helps identify strengths, weaknesses, and areas for improvement in your workforce planning efforts.

Strategic Planning: We work closely with senior management to understand business objectives and develop a manpower planning strategy aligned with organizational goals. This may involve forecasting future staffing needs, identifying critical roles, and assessing talent requirements to support business growth and expansion.

Talent Identification and Acquisition: We assist organizations in identifying key talent requirements and developing strategies to attract and retain top talent. This may include sourcing strategies, recruitment campaigns, employer branding initiatives, and talent development programs to build a pipeline of skilled professionals.

Succession Planning: We help organizations identify and develop high-potential employees for future leadership roles through succession planning initiatives. This involves assessing current talent pools, identifying succession candidates, and implementing development plans to groom future leaders within the organization.

Workforce Optimization: We work with organizations to optimize their workforce through strategies such as workforce restructuring, redeployment, and reskilling. This may involve analyzing workforce utilization, identifying inefficiencies, and implementing initiatives to improve productivity and performance.

Technology Integration: We assist organizations in leveraging technology and data analytics to support manpower planning efforts. This may include implementing HRIS (Human Resources Information Systems), workforce planning software, and predictive analytics tools to facilitate data-driven decision-making.

Training and Development: We provide training and development programs to HR teams and managers to enhance their capabilities in manpower planning and workforce management. This includes workshops, seminars, and coaching sessions on best practices in talent acquisition, retention, and development.

By partnering with us for HR consultancy services for manpower planning, organizations can optimize their workforce to support business objectives, reduce costs, and improve overall organizational performance. Our experienced consultants are committed to delivering customized solutions that meet the unique needs of each organization and drive long-term success.

Job description and Evaluation

we offer comprehensive services for job description development and evaluation. Crafting accurate and detailed job descriptions is essential for attracting top talent, ensuring organizational clarity, and facilitating effective performance management. Our consultancy service in this area is designed to help organizations create, refine, and evaluate job descriptions to align with strategic objectives and enhance overall HR efficiency.

Here’s how we can support your organization in job description development and evaluation:

Job Analysis and Role Definition: We begin by conducting a thorough job analysis to understand the responsibilities, duties, and requirements of each role within the organization. This involves gathering information through interviews, observations, and data analysis to create a comprehensive picture of each position.

Job Description Creation: Based on the job analysis, we work with stakeholders to develop clear, concise, and accurate job descriptions for each role. These descriptions outline key responsibilities, qualifications, skills, experience, and other essential criteria necessary for success in the position.

Alignment with Organizational Objectives: We ensure that job descriptions are aligned with organizational goals and objectives, reflecting the skills and competencies needed to drive success in each role. This alignment helps attract candidates who are the best fit for the organization’s needs.

Legal Compliance and Best Practices: Our consultants ensure that job descriptions comply with relevant labor laws, regulations, and industry standards. We also incorporate best practices in job description writing to enhance clarity, consistency, and effectiveness.

Job Evaluation and Grading: We assist organizations in evaluating and grading jobs based on factors such as complexity, responsibility, skills required, and market value. This process helps establish internal equity and fairness in compensation structures.

Performance Management Support: We integrate job descriptions into the performance management process, providing clarity on expectations and objectives for employees. Clear job descriptions enable more effective performance evaluations and feedback discussions.

Training and Capacity Building: We provide training and capacity-building programs to HR teams and managers on job description development, evaluation, and usage. This empowers them with the skills and knowledge needed to create and manage job descriptions effectively.

Continuous Improvement: Our consultancy services extend beyond initial job description development to support ongoing refinement and improvement. We assist organizations in regularly reviewing and updating job descriptions to reflect changes in roles, responsibilities, and organizational needs.

By partnering with us for HR consultancy services for job description and evaluation, organizations can ensure clarity, consistency, and alignment across their workforce. Our experienced consultants are committed to delivering customized solutions that meet the unique needs of each organization and drive employee engagement, productivity, and satisfaction.


Human Resources Policies & Procedures

we offer comprehensive services for the development, review, and implementation of human resources policies and procedures. Clear and effective HR policies and procedures are essential for maintaining consistency, fairness, and compliance within an organization, as well as for guiding employees and managers in their roles and responsibilities.

Here’s how we can support your organization in HR policies and procedures development:

Assessment and Gap Analysis: We begin by conducting an assessment of your organization’s current HR policies and procedures to identify areas for improvement, gaps in compliance with regulations and best practices, and areas of inconsistency or ambiguity.

Policy Development: Based on the assessment findings and organizational needs, we work with key stakeholders to develop new HR policies and procedures or update existing ones. These policies cover a wide range of HR areas, including recruitment, selection, onboarding, performance management, compensation and benefits, employee relations, and compliance.

Customization and Tailoring: We ensure that HR policies and procedures are customized to fit the unique needs and culture of your organization. This may involve adapting existing templates or creating new policies from scratch to reflect the specific requirements and objectives of your organization.

Legal Compliance: Our consultants stay up-to-date with relevant labor laws, regulations, and industry standards to ensure that HR policies and procedures are compliant with legal requirements. We also incorporate best practices in HR management to mitigate risks and ensure fairness and equity in the workplace.

Communication and Training: We assist organizations in communicating HR policies and procedures to employees and managers effectively. This may include developing communication plans, conducting training sessions, and creating user-friendly guides or manuals to help employees understand their rights and responsibilities.

Implementation Support: We provide guidance and support to help organizations implement HR policies and procedures effectively. This may involve creating implementation plans, providing training to HR staff and managers, and assisting with change management efforts to ensure successful adoption of new policies.

Monitoring and Review: Our consultancy services include ongoing monitoring and review of HR policies and procedures to ensure they remain relevant, effective, and compliant over time. We assist organizations in regularly reviewing and updating policies as needed to reflect changes in laws, regulations, and organizational needs.

By partnering with us for HR consultancy services for policies and procedures, organizations can ensure consistency, fairness, and compliance in HR practices, as well as support employee engagement, productivity, and retention. Our experienced consultants are committed to delivering customized solutions that meet the unique needs of each organization and drive positive change and growth

Competency Models and Career Ladders

We offer comprehensive services for the development and implementation of competency models and career ladders within organizations. Competency models and career ladders are essential tools for aligning employee skills and capabilities with organizational goals, facilitating career development, and promoting talent management initiatives.

Here’s how we can support your organization in competency models and career ladders development:

Competency Assessment and Analysis: We begin by conducting a thorough assessment of your organization’s current competency framework, if any, and analyzing the skills, knowledge, and abilities required for success in various roles. This involves gathering input from key stakeholders, including employees, managers, and HR professionals, to ensure a comprehensive understanding of competency requirements.

Competency Model Development: Based on the assessment findings and organizational needs, we work with stakeholders to develop customized competency models tailored to your organization’s specific goals, culture, and industry. These models outline the key competencies required for success in each role, as well as proficiency levels and behavioral indicators.

Career Ladder Design: We assist organizations in designing career ladders that outline the progression paths and advancement opportunities available to employees within the organization. Career ladders provide clarity and transparency regarding career paths, skill development opportunities, and promotion criteria, helping employees navigate their careers effectively.

Alignment with Organizational Goals: We ensure that competency models and career ladders are aligned with the organization’s strategic objectives and business needs. This alignment helps drive organizational performance by ensuring that employees possess the skills and capabilities needed to support organizational goals and initiatives.

Integration with HR Processes: We integrate competency models and career ladders into various HR processes, including recruitment, performance management, training and development, and succession planning. This ensures that competency requirements are considered at every stage of the employee lifecycle and that career advancement opportunities are available to all employees.

Training and Development Programs: We provide training and development programs to help employees develop the competencies needed to succeed in their current roles and progress along their career paths. This may include skills training, leadership development programs, mentoring, and coaching initiatives tailored to individual development needs.

Performance Management and Feedback: We assist organizations in incorporating competency-based performance management systems and providing regular feedback to employees on their performance and development progress. This helps employees understand how their competencies align with organizational expectations and identify areas for improvement.

By partnering with us for HR consultancy services for competency models and career ladders, organizations can enhance talent management efforts, improve employee engagement and retention, and drive organizational success. Our experienced consultants are committed to delivering customized solutions that meet the unique needs of each organization and support long-term growth and development.


Performance Management

we offer comprehensive services for performance management designed to help organizations optimize their processes, enhance employee performance, and achieve strategic objectives. Performance management is a vital aspect of HR that involves setting clear expectations, providing feedback, and recognizing and rewarding achievements to drive individual and organizational success.

Here’s how we can support your organization in performance management:

Assessment and Analysis: We begin by conducting an assessment of your organization’s current performance management processes, including goal setting, performance appraisal, feedback mechanisms, and performance improvement plans. This assessment helps identify strengths, weaknesses, and areas for improvement in your performance management approach.

Performance Planning and Goal Setting: We assist organizations in developing clear performance objectives and goals that align with strategic priorities and individual responsibilities. This includes defining SMART (Specific, Measurable, Achievable, Relevant, Time-bound) goals that provide employees with clear direction and expectations.

Feedback and Coaching: We help organizations establish effective feedback mechanisms to provide ongoing feedback and coaching to employees. This may include regular one-on-one meetings between managers and employees, real-time feedback tools, and coaching sessions to support employee development and performance improvement.

Performance Appraisal and Evaluation: We assist organizations in conducting fair and objective performance appraisals to assess employee performance against established goals and expectations. This includes defining performance criteria, conducting performance reviews, and providing constructive feedback to employees.

Performance Improvement Plans: We work with organizations to develop performance improvement plans for employees who are not meeting performance expectations. This involves identifying performance gaps, setting clear improvement objectives, and providing support and resources to help employees succeed.

Recognition and Rewards: We help organizations establish recognition and rewards programs to acknowledge and reward high-performing employees. This may include monetary rewards, promotions, awards, or non-monetary recognition such as praise and appreciation to motivate employees and reinforce desired behaviors.

Training and Development: We provide training and development programs to managers and employees to enhance their performance management skills. This may include training on giving and receiving feedback, conducting performance appraisals, setting goals, and coaching employees to improve performance.

Technology Integration: We assist organizations in leveraging technology solutions, such as performance management software, to streamline performance management processes, track performance metrics, and facilitate communication between managers and employees.

By partnering with us for HR consultancy services for performance management, organizations can improve employee engagement, productivity, and retention, as well as drive organizational success. Our experienced consultants are committed to delivering customized solutions that meet the unique needs of each organization and support continuous improvement and growth.